How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

  • What To Do When You're Locked Out Of Your Car

    Whether you've lost your key or locked it in the car, the experience of being locked out of your car is one of the most frustrating things that can happen. However, by following the simple steps set out in this guide, you can deal with the situation as safely and efficiently as possible. Make Sure You're Safe  Being locked out of your car can be frustrating and embarrassing at the best of times.

  • Why Has Your Garage Door Remote Stopped Working?

    Garage door remotes make opening and closing their doors a breeze. Like any remote control, however, these devices can develop problems. If your remote no longer works on the door, then you'll want to fix it quickly. What are your options? Check the Remote Is the Problem While you assume that your remote isn't working if your garage door doesn't budge when you use the device, this isn't always the case.

  • Commercial Doors: Three Essential Tips for Preventing Lock Damage

    Commercial door locks are highly durable, but they are prone to accelerated wear. The deterioration can be attributed to frequent use, rough handling and contact with numerous people. If you do not protect and maintain the locking hardware in your commercial space, your premises will be more vulnerable to break-ins. In addition, the lock could fail prematurely, forcing you to spend a lot of money on replacement and repairs. Here are simple tips to help you prolong the life service of your commercial door locks.

  • The Lament of the Lost Key: What Happens Next?

    To lose a key is both an inconvenience and a concern. Where did the key go? Who might have found it (or stolen it)? Sometimes lost things miraculously turn up (usually in the least obvious place you would have considered), but it's not as though you'll always feel comfortable waiting around on the off chance that your keys reappear. What's the best course of action when your keys have gone missing?

  • 3 Great Benefits of Electronic Car Keys

    Every day you hear about new technology that is helping the world do one thing or another. From cell phones that work as security cameras to televisions that work like computers, these advances apply to almost everything, including your car keys. With said advances also come benefits for the users. Here are three great benefits of electronic car keys. Enhanced Safety While not new, electronic car keys are making many new advances.

  • About Me

    How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

    I just thought my front door lock had to be strong. I didn’t know it could be smart. My old lock became so secure that it just plain fused into the locked position. Secure, but not convenient. When I knew I had to upgrade (unless I permanently wanted to use the back door), I was surprised to learn just how many different kinds of smart locks are on the market, and how they’re not as expensive as I thought. The locksmith quickly installed a new lock, one that allowed me to open it with my smartphone and even had a video intercom (fantastic for when I want to pretend I’m not at home). But there are so many different types of smart locks, with many different capabilities, so it was great to find all the information compiled on a single website so I could make an informed decision.
