How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

What Should You Do Once You Get Locked Out?

by Lily Dixon

Have you been locked out of your home or business? What now? A lockout situation is one of those problems everyone faces at least once in their lifetime. After realising that you're locked out, it's normal to go through some stages of emotion. First, you will be in disbelief, wondering if this actually happened to you. Is this a dream or reality? Before you know it, a little bit of anger may kick in–perhaps you will be mad at yourself or blame the situation on others. To some extent, you'll start feeling depressed and fed up.

Fortunately, these feelings can quickly go away when you choose to focus on reality and accept that you are locked out and need assistance. Below are tips on things to consider once you find yourself in such a predicament.

Get the spare keys

Rather than getting lost in emotion, accept the reality and gather your thoughts. Where is your spare key? Do your relatives or neighbours have the spare key? Have you hidden the key somewhere so you can find it when an emergency occurs? Pick it or contact someone to bring the key.

What if there is no spare key?

If you don't have a spare key, the next thought that will pop into your mind is if there is another way in. Perhaps you'll start looking around the building to check for a possible way in. Be sure to explore all your options, including the garage door.

Contact an emergency locksmith

Now that you don't have or cannot access the spare key, and there isn't an alternative way in, it's time to seek expert help from an emergency locksmith. A reputable emergency locksmith will not only come to your aid regardless of the time and place but also offer a quick solution to the problem. Make sure the expert you contact is reliable and can provide rapid service to avoid hanging around for too long.

Since this is an emergency call-out, you'll likely pay more for the service, compared to other situations locksmiths handle. Don't hesitate to ask for the rate over the phone. Nobody likes surprises, mainly when dealing with unforeseen situations. A great locksmith will not hesitate to give you a rough estimate for the job including the time it will take to get to you.

Hopefully, you will not find yourself in this problem, but if you do, be sure to consider the tips this post has outlined. Reach out to local locksmiths to learn more.


About Me

How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

I just thought my front door lock had to be strong. I didn’t know it could be smart. My old lock became so secure that it just plain fused into the locked position. Secure, but not convenient. When I knew I had to upgrade (unless I permanently wanted to use the back door), I was surprised to learn just how many different kinds of smart locks are on the market, and how they’re not as expensive as I thought. The locksmith quickly installed a new lock, one that allowed me to open it with my smartphone and even had a video intercom (fantastic for when I want to pretend I’m not at home). But there are so many different types of smart locks, with many different capabilities, so it was great to find all the information compiled on a single website so I could make an informed decision.
