How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

Building a Garden Home Office: Security Tips

by Lily Dixon

If you work from home but find it hard to work effectively in your house, you may have decided to buy a large garden shed and convert it into a home office. You've spent your time so far choosing the right shed design and size; you've also modified the shed to make it comfortable and work-ready.

Before you move in, however, you need to think about the shed's security. Your new office is more vulnerable than your home, and you may need to take steps to make it a safe environment for your equipment, files and work gear.  

What do you need to do to make the office secure?

Does the Shed Have a Lock?

Some sheds don't come with locks at all; others have simple locking mechanisms like a latch for a padlock. While a padlock may be enough to protect garden furniture and equipment, it isn't much help if you have valuable computer equipment in your portable office.

Padlocks are easy to break or force open, so consider upgrading your lock to make it more secure. Even if your shed came with a regular lock with a key, think about how robust this lock will be if someone tries to break into the shed.

Typically, shed manufacturers don't go beyond the basics when they install locks. An experienced burglar can get through a door with a basic lock quite easily.

Do Your Windows Open?

Even if you're putting electricity into your portable office, you'll have wanted as much natural light coming in as you can get. So, you may have bought a shed with windows. If you want the option of getting a cool breeze on hot days, then you'll have chosen windows that open rather than stay shut all the time.

These windows aren't likely to have locks on them; however, they are another easy access point for intruders. It doesn't take much to break a window and open it from the outside to get into your office. You may not hear this happening if your office isn't close to your house.

So if your windows do open, then it's worth installing locks on them. These locks make it harder for intruders to get into your office this way.

If you aren't sure how to change or install secure locks, call out a mobile locksmith. They can take a look at your office on site and make suggestions on how to beef up your security.


About Me

How to Be Smart About Smart Locks

I just thought my front door lock had to be strong. I didn’t know it could be smart. My old lock became so secure that it just plain fused into the locked position. Secure, but not convenient. When I knew I had to upgrade (unless I permanently wanted to use the back door), I was surprised to learn just how many different kinds of smart locks are on the market, and how they’re not as expensive as I thought. The locksmith quickly installed a new lock, one that allowed me to open it with my smartphone and even had a video intercom (fantastic for when I want to pretend I’m not at home). But there are so many different types of smart locks, with many different capabilities, so it was great to find all the information compiled on a single website so I could make an informed decision.
